What’s Happening in the Market – September 2020
It’s great to write a market report in late September after some good spring rains that have fallen. September rains have not been that common the last three years, so it’s excellent to see some of you receiving a kind finish to the cropping season.
The spraying season is over for many of you, and we only have some late fungicide and insecticide applications left before desiccation completes the season. Hopefully, you’ve already bought your glyphosate or paraquat for desiccation, but if not, the current pricing presents excellent buying based on the 5-year average. The flooding in China has impacted glyphosate product in the short term, which has increased pricing overseas, so we don’t expect retail pricing to get any better than current levels before the end of January. It’s too hard to look past that point for now.
Russian Wheat Aphids have been present in many regions but fortunately haven’t done as much damage as the first year they came to Australia. For many of our growers, it’s been a good time to revisit whether they should use Imidacloprid on the seed next season. This would be a good discussion point with your agronomist over harvest if you haven’t discussed this already.
We’ve been busy preparing for summer spraying and sowing. Summer spraying products look to be in good supply at this early stage, with pricing coming back on 24ds from last summer. There’s no need to worry about supply for sowing products at this stage either as Trifluralin, Glyphosate, and Prosulfocarb supply appear to be back to normal after COVID interruptions last year. If this changes at all, which is possible in the current world climate, one of our team will be in touch with you to help with your planning.
Fertiliser season is all but complete, and we’d like to thank those that supported us with their granular fertiliser this season. This has been a growing business for us over the last few years, which we are excited to offer all growers in our network access to in their local ports in 2021. We will be in touch with you when we think it’s time to start looking at AP’s for sowing.
We hope the finish to the season is kind and at some stage soon the rain disappears and the fine weather comes until the crop is in the bin.