Welcome Christian Faulkner
Welcome Christian Faulkner
We are excited to welcome Christian Faulkner to the South Australian Crop Smart team! Christian will be servicing growers across the Upper EP out of our Wirrulla and Ceduna stores. He’s joining several new sales reps on the EP to ensure we continue to offer our high level of service that we have been offering growers for the last 10 years.
Christian grew up on the Eyre Peninsula and since he finished school he’s worked in the industry for the last 15 years. Christian and his partner Courtney currently live in Streaky Bay with their 4 daughters
Christian starts this week so will be in touch with you If you haven’t met him through previous dealings or just want to have a chat while you’re on the header, feel free to give him a call and introduce yourself he’s on 0499 303 355.