The Crop Smart Harvest Photo Competition is back!
With #harvest18 now underway,
It’s time to get snapping! Harvest time creates many great photo opportunities, and whether it’s a sunrise over the paddock, a drone shot from above, kids enjoying a ride on the header or a hilarious harvest fail, we love sharing them.
We have plenty of prizes up for grabs, plus your photos will feature on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, and the winners will have their photos published online and in our January newsletter.
Last year we received hundreds of entries, capturing all your favourite harvest moments and showcasing the beauty of regional Australia at this busy but rewarding time.
To enter
Simply private message your photo, along with a short description to our Facebook/Twitter pages or email directly to harriet@cropsmart.com.au. The overall winner will be announced on 15 January 2019.
Videos are also encouraged and don’t forget to hashtag #cropsmartharvest18.
We wish all entrants the best of luck and happy harvesting from the Crop Smart team.