Seed Variety Guide for 2025
We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to seeds for the upcoming 2025 season below, including new varieties available to order through your local Crop Smart store. Please note some varieties are only available in limited quantities and if you’re looking for a seed variety not listed here please reach out to your local Crop Smart rep to confirm availability as we are able to order additional varieties that may not be listed below.
Anvil CL+ – A quick AH quality, two gene IMI tolerant variety.
Ballista – Ballista (tested as RAC2598) offers very high and stable yields in SA and Victoria, particularly for Mallee environments where AH quality, CCN resistance and Mace type maturity are attributes that growers are looking for.
Bennett – Dual purpose ASW variety. Long season Winter wheat with tall plant type and awn-less head, ASW in SA, Vic & South NSW. Ideal for graze & grain, or straight grain production.
Big Red – New very high yielding red feed grain winter wheat. Suited to longer growing season environments.
Bitalli – Bitalli has set a new yield benchmark in the Southern durum growing regions, outperforming other commonly grown varieties.
Brumby – High yielding, APW, mid maturing, resistant to powdery mildew and excellent resistance to yellow leaf spot.
Calibre – The first variety derived from Scepter to hit the market. Quick to mid maturity, improved powdery mildew resistance over Scepter. Suited to most growing regions of SA/Vic/Southern NSW. Longer coleoptile than many commonly grown varieties and very high yield.
Dozer CL+ (NEW) – Quick mid maturing, APW CL wheat, good standability and grain package, IMI tolerant.
Genie – An exceptionally high yielding, mid-slow AH wheat and is an excellent alternative to RockStar in >3t/ha yield environments. In these environments the variety offers medium-high rainfall growers a 1-2% yield improvement compared to RockStar.
Illabo – Quick-mid maturing, AH quality winter wheat that provides a safe agronomic package to take advantage of early sowing opportunities.
Intergrain Rockstar – Exceptionally high yielding mid – slow spring wheat.
Kingston – Mid-maturing AH variety with high end yield potential. Outstanding lodging resistance. Excellent physical and milling grain quality. AH classification in SA and VIC.
Longford – Longford is a long season high yield potential red wheat with a strong disease package and lodging tolerance. Longford is suited to dual purpose (graze/grain) or grain only farming systems.
Longsword – A fast maturing winter wheat derived from Mace.
Major – A new high yielding mid slow maturity with a flexible mid season sowing window, suitable for early to mid May seeding opportunities across Southern NSW.
Matador – Matador is a mid-maturity AH wheat variety with a medium grain size, improved shorter canopy and market leading yield.
Mohawk – Mowhawk is ideally suited to early-break scenarios and higher production areas with its unique quick winter maturity controls delivering broad general adaption.
Patron – The yield benchmark for all durum growing regions of SA and Victoria.
Reilly – Mid-maturing AH variety with stable yield in tough conditions and robust stripe rust resistance. New genetics for Australian wheat growers. Excellent physical and milling grain quality. AH classification in SA and VIC.
RGT Waugh – RGT Waugh has class leading yields in the medium and high rainfall zone. RGT Waugh is the new benchmark for yield in white Winter wheats. The variety has a good disease resistance profile with very good resistance to stripe rust.
RGT Cesario – RGT Cesario is an awnless, mid-winter wheat. It has a potential for high yields in the medium and high rainfall zone. It has a maturity similar to RGT Accroc with a solid disease package to back it up.
Shotgun (NEW) – Shotgun is derived from Scepter and is agronomically very similar. Growers who have experience with Scepter can view Shotgun as a Scepter replacement, with the same maturity and plant type, but offering much higher yield.
Soaker (NEW) – Soaker is a “Scepter type” with the addition of one IMI tolerance gene to shield the crop from IMI residual carryover after IMI break crops such as Lentils, Beans and Canola in the previous year. Soaker has shown slightly higher yield than Scepter with similar mid maturity, disease and growth habit.
Stockade – Stockade delivers for growers a unique combination with its robust disease package, slow Spring maturity, extremely high yield potential and APW White Milling quality to suit the South East SA, South West VIC, Southern NSW Slopes and TAS High Rainfall Zones.
Tomahawk CL Plus – ‘Scepter’ type Clearfield variety with increased yields over Scepter.
Triple 2 – An awned red Winter wheat currently under going pre-commerical evaluation. 10222 has been incredibly impressive for yield and durability in internal AGF trials and in the NVT where it has been a stand out performer.
Valiant CL+ – Later maturity than Cutlass, good varietal option to maximise early sowing opportunities. Good yellow leaf spot resistance. A useful variety option where there are residue concerns from previous season IMI herbicide use.
Vixen – A hard wheat similar in yield to Scepter, with a maturity 3-5 days earlier suited to mid-May sowing.
Malt Varieties:
Commodus CL – Currently classified as a feed variety, earliest potential malt accreditation in 2023. High yielding, quid-mid maturing variety. Agronomically similar to Compass, ideally suited to lighter soils and medium-low rainfall environments. CCN resistance and useful levels of spot form net blotch resistance.
Latrobe – An early maturing variety for low to medium rainfall environments. A semi-dwarf plant type providing medium lodging resistance and a medium head loss risk. The variety has a short coleoptile and sowing depth should be considered.
Maximus CL – High yielding, quick-mid maturing, IMI tolerant barley.
Planet – Standard variety for the North East and Riverina (NSW), RGT Planet is a mid-flowering, early-late maturing variety, with elastic maturity making it suited from low to high rainfall regions.
Spartacus CL – Spartacus CL is an early maturing, CCN resistant, Clearfield barley. It is a semi-dwarf and is ideally suited to the low to medium rainfall regions. It is agronomically similar to La Trobe, but has slightly improved lodging tolerance with a low head loss risk and has a short rachilla hair length, reducing itchiness.
Zena CL – A mid-maturing, vigorous, malt accredited Clearfield warrior. High yielding, mid-maturing variety. Agronomically similar to RGT Planet. Received final Barley Australia malt accreditation in April 2024.
Potential Malt:
Beast – AGT Seeds first barley variety. A potential malting variety, available for sowing 2021 as a feed variety. Excellent early vigour and a week quicker to mature than Compass. Highest yielding barley for low to medium rainfall areas – a great variety for Southern Australia.
Cyclops – quick-mid maturity, slightly slower than Spartacus CL. The highest yielding barley variety across WA, SA, VIC, NSW. Has entered malt accreditation program, but is currently classified as a feed variety.
Laperouse – A barley variety suited to the medium to high rainfall areas, a strong competitor to Planet. Slightly better tolerance to the net blotch diseases than other earlier barleys.
Minotaur – A lower risk alternative to RGT Planet with similar top-end yield potential. Mid-slow maturity, slightly slower than RGT Planet. Best suited to medium-high rainfall environments. Has entered the Barley Australia malt accreditation program but is currently deliverable as Barley/Feed.
Neo CL – Exceptionally high yielding, InterGrain data indicates a 10% yield improvement over RGT Planet.
Spinnaker (NEW! Malt TBC 2026) – Quick maturing spring variety Bred in Australia for malting and brewing – currently in Stage 1 evaluation Broad adaptation with high grain yield in range of low and medium rainfall zones.
Titan AX – Titan AX is the first barley variety in the world to carry tolerance to Sipcam Aggressor herbicide (Group 1, Quizalofop-P-Ethyl), which allows growers to control susceptible populations of barley grass, brome grass, annual ryegrass, wild oats and other grass weeds in the barley phase of the rotation; offering an alternative to Clearfield technology which growers have relied on for some time now.
Bigfoot CL – A high yielding alternative to Maximus CL and Commodus CL, with better standability than Commodus CL. Tolerant to Clearfield Intervix herbicide, good grain size and test weight, and a competitive but shorter plant type, with lower risk of lodging. Feed quality only.
Combat – High yielding, mid maturing, feed barley.
Fandaga – Fandaga is a medium height variety suited to medium to high rainfall regions. Fandaga offers an ability to yield, consistency and useful disease resistance trait
Newton – Dual purpose winter variety with slow early development enabling early sowing for grazing, a long growing season, then harvest maturity equivalent to other long season cereals. Urambie Barley Alternative/Winter Wheat Alternative.
Pegasus AX – Carries CoAXium herbicide tolerance. A derivative of Rosalind with a similar plant type, offering a shorter plant structure and lower risk of lodging than the ‘CompassP plant types like Titan AXP. Feed quality only.
Archer – Mid maturing oaten hay variety, single gene IMI tolerant suitable for planting in the major hay growing regions of Australia. medium height variety, with good early vigour and hay colour retention.
Brusher – A tall mid-season hay variety. Earlier maturity than Wintaroo and is suitable for low rainfall areas.
Goldie – (NEW) high yielding milling oat suitable to all oat growing regions of Australia.
Kingbale – Kingbale is a single gene IMI tolerant oaten hay variety – a world first. Mid-maturing variety with improved tolerance to soil residual IMI herbicides.
Koala – High yielding grain oat with medium-tall plant height and mid-long growing season.
Mulgara – Hay variety oat introduced in 2009 as an improvement to Wintaroo variety in terms of resistance to stem rust, lodging and shattering resistance, bacterial blight with early vigour.
Wintaroo – Tall, mid-season maturing hay oat with good early vigour. It resists brown leaf tipping by hot, northerly winds better than other varieties and is adapted to low, medium, and high rainfall locations. Low grain hull lignin making it an option for feed grain.
Pioneer/Gentech Seeds:
43Y92 Clearfield (CL) – delivers exceptional early growth resulting in superior crop competition and early canopy closure which enhances weed control and reduces weed seed set.
44Y27RR – This elite Y Series hybrid combines market leading yield potential, outstanding consistency and the economic bonus of excellent oil content to deliver the Y Series genetic advantage.
44Y94CL – The benchmark hybrid in the early-mid season Clearfield segment. 44Y94CL hybrid canola offers an impressive package of agronomic traits and performance. Excellent early season growth coupled with outstanding yield and oil potential delivers greater returns per hectare.
45Y93CL – 45Y93 CL Canola Hybrid boasts outstanding returns through very high yield potential, oil content and consistency, this hybrid’s early flowering mid maturity makes it perfect for high yielding environments which see heat during flowering.
45Y95CL – This hybrid has quickly become the go to for high-yielding environments and early planting opportunities. A must have in your Clearfield program.
PN526C – The Nexera canola trait, offered exclusively through Pioneer Seeds, provides growers access to the growing global market for high-value, high-stability oil.
PY323G – This Y Series hybrid, in its early to mid-maturity stage, presents a groundbreaking blend of top-tier genetics. It combines Pioneer’s renowned Y Series genetics with cutting-edge weed management solutions to provide exceptional performance and agronomics.
PY421C (NEW) – Pioneer has released PY421C for next season, which will replace 44Y94 we are familiar with. As we expect from Pioneer’s Clearfields, it comes with exceptional yield potential, and as 44Y94 did, it will cover a vast geographical area. PY421C is an early-mid maturity with a medium-tall plant type.
PY422G (NEW) – The first Optimum GLY herbicide tolerance canola hybrid for Australian canola growers. This early-mid maturity Y Series hybrid canola offers a breakthrough of market leading genetics.
PY428R – Introducing a new hyper-yielding Roundup Ready hybrid with early to mid-maturity and a broad adaptability across a wide range of regions. This hybrid showcases the highest in-field performance ever witnessed at Pioneer, elevating early to mid-glyphosate tolerance hybrid performance to unprecedented levels.
PY429T – PY429T represents a groundbreaking new generation of hyper-yielding Triazine Tolerant canola hybrid, built upon our market-leading Y Series germplasm. This hybrid showcases a mid-fast phenology.
PY520TC – Packs exceptional top end yield potential and oil content into a nicely rounded agronomic package, PY520TC has shown outstanding performance in long season & high yielding locations.
PY525G (NEW) – The second of Pioneer’s new Optimum GLY varieties is PY525G, a mid-season maturity with a medium-tall plant height. It will be comparable to Pioneer’s 45YY28 with a slight yield improvement. Data on its blackleg resistance is still to come to see where it sits.
Pacific Seeds:
Hyola® 970CL – Long season, winter graze-and-grain dual-purpose graze n grain Clearfield® hybrid. Pacific Seeds indicates high to very high biomass dry matter (DM) production, good grain yield (Holds official Australian Yield record of 7.16t/ha) and oil content. Suited to sowing in autumn, (February to April) and spring (early to late October) in medium-high through to very high rainfall zones. Blackleg resistance rating R (resistance group H). Not tested in NVT. Marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Battalion XC – Early maturity, dual herbicide stacked TruFlex® and Clearfield® (imidazoline) tolerant hybrid canola. Medium to medium-tall plant height. Suited to low to medium rainfall zones. Blackleg resistance rating RMR (resistance group ADF) and UCI rating MR. Also suited to imidazoline herbicide residue situations. Tested in NVT in 2019–23. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Blazer TT – Early-Mid maturing TT hybrid. Medium-short plant height. Excellent lodging resistance and Blackleg resistance rating RMR (resistance group ADF) and UCI rating MR. Suited to medium to very high-rainfall zones. Tested in NVT in 2019–24. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Defender CT – Early-Mid maturing TT hybrid. Medium-short plant height. Excellent lodging resistance and Blackleg resistance rating RMR (resistance group ADF) and UCI rating MR. Suited to medium to very high-rainfall zones. Tested in NVT in 2019–24. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Enforcer CT – Early-Mid maturing dual herbicide stacked variety that carries tolerance to both triazine and Clearfield® herbicide chemistries. Suited to low to medium-rainfall zones. Blackleg resistance rating R (resistance group ADF) and UCI rating MR. Also designed for imidazoline soil carryover situations. Tested in NVT in 2019–24. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Feast CL – Long season, winter graze-and-grain dual-purpose graze n grain Clearfield® hybrid. Pacific Seeds indicates high to very high biomass DM production, good grain yield and oil content. Will mature seven days earlier than Hyola® 970CL. Suited to sowing in autumn (February to April) and spring (early to late October) in medium-high through to very high rainfall zones. Blackleg resistance rating R (resistance group H). Not tested in NVT. Marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Regiment XC – Early-Mid maturity, dual herbicide stacked TruFlex® and Clearfield® (imidazoline) dual tolerant hybrid canola. Suited to low to high rainfall zones. Blackleg resistance rating R (resistance group ADFH) and UCI rating of R. Also suited to imidazoline herbicide residue situations. Tested in NVT in 2021-24. Hyola Regiment XC shows very high oil% levels and can be grown as either a TruFlex or Clearfield hybrid or as both, a TruFlex plus Clearfield stacked hybrid. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
Hyola® Solstice CL – Early-Mid maturing CL hybrid. Suited to low to medium rainfall zones with excellent adaptability in hot drier spring conditions. High Oil % plus Blackleg resistance rating R (resistance group ADFH) and UCI rating R. Tested in NVT in 2021-24. Bred and marketed by Pacific Seeds.
ATR Bluefin – Toughened disease package, competitive yields and oil performance, delivering you optimum results at harvest.
ATR Bonito – Early to mid-maturing triazine tolerant canola which is quality tested for fantastic early vigour, and is highly adaptable to a range of environments.
ATR Swordfish (NEW) – an early-mid-maturing OP TT canola, bred for Aussie conditions.
ATR Wahoo – ATR Wahoo is a mid-maturing triazine tolerant canola with quality tested seed and traits. Suitable for higher rainfall regions with high yield potential.
Captain CL – Hybrid Clearfield Dual-purpose Winter Canola. Leading the way in yield and biomass production. Captain CL takes a large step forward in both yields and biomass production making it the perfect canola for grain and grazing needs.
HyTTec Trident – Early maturing hybrid TT canola that outperforms similar varieties.
HyTTec Trifecta – Experience unrivalled yield performance from a mid-maturing hybrid TT canola.
HyTTec Trophy – Highly-adaptable hybrid TT canola with top yield performance.
HyTTec Velocity – Our earliest maturing hybrid TT canola with improved harvest management for farmers.
Monola 420TT – Early-Mid maturing OP TT specialty oil variety, marketed under contract. Suited to medium low rainfall zones. Medium-short plant height.
Monola 422TT – Early-mid maturing variety with an improved fatty acid profile for export quality oil, and is stable for growing across a wide range of regions and planting times.
Monola H421TT – The first release hybrid Monola that sets the benchmark for yield performance and healthy returns.
Nuseed Ceres IMI (NEW) – an early maturing imi hybrid canola with excellent early vigour.
NuSeed Diamond – Early season hybrid conventional canola that sets the benchmark for yield performance in its class.
NuSeed Eagle TF (NEW) – is a mid-maturity TruFlex hybrid that shows top of the table yield and oil performance making it the variety of choice in mid to high rainfall zones.
NuSeed Emu TF – Aarly-maturing TruFlex hybrid that performs in low to medium rainfall zones and offers a late planting opportunity.
Nuseed Griffin TTI – Experience the innovation of Nuseed’s hybrid canola with both Triazine and IMI tolerance. Benefit from exceptional flexibility in herbicide use and crop rotation, and gain peace of mind with our market-leading genetics, designed to minimise risk and maximise yield.
NuSeed Hunter (TF) – An early-mid maturing TruFlex hybrid that demonstrates improved pod shatter tolerance with a compact plant height, helping to protect your investment against grain loss.
Nuseed Quartz – Comes with a full set of features, including exceptional yield potential, good adaptability, excellent early vigour and “R” rating for superior Blackleg resistance.
NuSeed Raptor TF – an early-mid maturing canola hybrid which has shown robust yield performance against current Roundup Ready hybrid varieties in both NVTs and internal trials.
Phoenix CL – A hybrid Clearfield dual-purpose Winter Canola. Phoenix CL is the perfect fit for dual purpose growers looking to achieve high biomass and high grain yields.
FBA Ayla – High yielding northern region faba bean. Uniform seed size, smaller than PBA Nasma and Nanu but larger than PBA Warda. Early maturity, same as PBA Warda, Nasma and Nanu. MR-MS to Rust, similar to PBA Nanu.
PBA Amberley – a PBA variety that was released for sowing in 2020. It is the first variety with moderate resistance to chocolate spot and is mid-flowering and mid-maturing. It has resistance to pathotype 1 and 2 of ascochyta blight and has good standing ability and a low level of ‘necking’. PBA Amberley has a yield advantage over current varieties in high rainfall regions and its grain size is similar to Samira.
PBA Bendoc – the first faba bean line with improved tolerance to some Group B herbicides. This not only increases the in-crop options for broadleaf weed control, but also enables the variety to be grown where some Group B (including the sulfonylureas) herbicide residues persist from applications to the previous crop.
PBA Marne – High yielding faba bean variety for short season areas in the Southern Region. Early flowering particularly when sown early. Medium plant height with good standing ability. Medium sized seed suited to the Middle East markets.
CBA Captain – Medium-size-seed variety with broad adaptation to Victorian desi chickpea-growing areas. Erect plant type with good plant height and height to lowest pod. Mid-flowering and mid maturing in Victorian growing environments. Good grain size similar to PBA HatTrick and meets the requirements of a ‘Jimbour type’, suitable for the subcontinent market. Tested as CICA1521.
Genesis 090 – Genesis 090 is a high yielding small kabuli chickpea that has proved to be adapted to most chickpea growing areas of southern and western Australia. It is best suited to farming systems where crop topping or weed wiping of herbicide resistant ryegrass escapes is not required to prevent weed seed set.
Genisis Kalkee – Kalkee is a medium to large seeded kabuli chickpea that is a good replacement for GenesisTM114, and a larger seed size alternative to Almaz It has moderately improved ascochyta blight resistance over Almaz and offers a lower disease risk option, but a strategic fungicide strategy (2 -3 applications) similar to that used in Almaz will still be required.
PBA Magnus – large-seeded kabuli type with similar plant type to Genesis™ 090. Mid-flowering and mid maturing. Adapted to current kabuli-growing regions of Victoria and South Australia. An excellent replacement for Genesis Kalkee where an erect plant type is not essential due to its larger seed size. Very good seed size and shape.
PBA Royal – The latest released variety from the PBA program with its first year of seed sales in 2019. Highest yielding medium sized Kabuli in mid-high (>1.5t/ha) yield potential environments and predominantly 8mm in grain size, which is larger than Gen090 but smaller than PBA Monarch.
GIA Leader IMI –GIA Leader is a broadly adapted IMI (IMI) tolerant, disease resistant red lentil with a uniform medium sized seed for traditional “Nugget” type markets. Highest rated disease resistant IMI tolerant lentil.
GIA Lightning – High yielding broadly adapted IMI tolerant red lentil, more reliable on lighter textured soils.
GIA Metro MET + IMI – First and only Metribuzin (MET) + Imidazoline (IMI) tolerant red lentil variety.
GIA Thunder – High yielding broadly adapted IMI tolerant red lentil.
PBA Ace – PBA Ace is a vigorous, high yielding, disease resistant, mid maturing red lentil with medium sized grey seed. PBA Ace has been the highest yielding lentil and is suited to all lentil growing areas, especially longer season areas where Nugget has traditionally been grown.
PBA Blitz – PBA Blitz is suited to all current lentil areas. It is particularly suited to shorter-season areas where its combination of early to mid-flowering, early maturity, high yield and good disease resistance will improve lentil reliability and economics of production. PBA Blitz is the earliest maturing lentil variety and the best option where crop topping and/or delayed sowing are practised.
PBA Bolt – PBA Bolt is an erect, early maturing red lentil with medium sized grey seed. PBA Bolt is suited to similar areas to PBA Flash where early maturity, salinity tolerance and erect growth are keys to reliable and profitable production.
PBA Hallmark XT – PBA Hallmark XTA is the highest yielding herbicide tolerant red lentil variety across Australia. It is broadly adapted, with 5-6% higher yields than PBA Hurricane XTA across the main lentil production regions in Victoria and South Australia.
PBA Highland XT – High yielding herbicide tolerant lentil; 6-17% long term yield advantage over PBA Hurricane XTA in Victorian Mallee and most of South Australia.
PBA Hurricane XT – Highest yielding small red lentil; 5-12% long term yield advantage over PBA Herald XTA and Nipper. Mid-maturity broadly adapted variety with earlier flowering, improved vigour and increased plant height over PBA Herald XTA and Nipper.
PBA Jumbo – PBA Jumbo is a high yielding large seeded red lentil. It is suited to most current lentil growing areas where it has consistently yielded around 15% higher than Aldinga. PBA Jumbo is resistant to foliar and seed infection by ascochyta blight which is vastly improved over Aldinga and Nugget. PBA Jumbo is well suited to no-till, inter-row sowing into standing stubble.
PBA Jumbo 2 – PBA Jumbo2 is the highest yielding lentil variety available in Australia, outperforming all other current varieties in medium-rainfall lentil growing regions. It is a broadly adapted large red variety which now outclasses the other two large red types, PBA Jumbo and Aldinga.
Terrier (NEW) – Small market class red lentil. Improved resistance to Nipper and Hurricane XT virulent Ascochyta blight pathotypes. Same herbicide tolerances as predecessor PBA varieties. Good early vigour, mid flowering and maturity, improved boron tolerance (MI) and high resistance to root lesion nematodes (MR).
Green Lentils:
PBA Giant – High yielding large green lentil variety with improved yield over Boomer in Victoria (5-10% on average) and similar yield in South Australia. Improved shattering resistance compared to Boomer. Largest seed size Australian green lentil variety. Broadly adapted variety, best suited to medium rainfall lentil growing regions.
PBA Greenfield – PBA Greenfield is a medium-sized green lentil and is now the highest yielding green lentil variety available in Australia. Its yield is comparable with recent high yielding red lentil varieties.
Bateman – Tall, early-flowering lupin variety with improved virus resistance.
Coyote – Newest narrow leaf variety with a slight yield increase over Jurien and Bateman. Has less Phomopsis resistance than Jurien and Bateman.
Lawler – widely adapted variety, offering growers high and stable yields across all NSW, Victorian and South Australian lupin growing regions.
Murringo (Albus Lupin) – Highest yielding albus lupin for eastern states. Mid flowering, indeterminate genotype. Moderate resistance to Pleiochaeta root rot and susceptible to Anthracnose. Grain quality well suited to albus human consumption markets. Seed size similar to Luxor.
Kaspa/Rounded Dun Type:
APB Bondi (NEW) – APB Bondi (tested as OZP1903) incorporates a number of resistance traits against diseases and soil constraints to make it the most consistently high yielding field pea variety currently available. It is a mid-flowering field pea, similar to PBA Taylor and mid maturing, slightly later than PBA Butler. APB Bondi exhibits the same kaspa-type features as previous varieties– semi dwarf, semi leafless plant type, with non-shattering pods and kaspa-type seed.
GIA Kastar – Improved tolerance to common in crop and residual IMI herbicides for more effective weed control.
PBA Butler – A mid to late flowering semi-dwarf field pea variety. PBA Butler has high yield potential and produces ‘Kaspa-type’ grain adapted better to regions with relatively higher yield potential (at least medium rainfall).
PBA Noosa – Blue pea with improved bleaching tolerance suited to niche marketing opportunities. Good early vigour with early-mid flowering and maturity.
PBA Taylor – Kaspa type longer flowering , shorter growing.
Conventional/Dimpled Dun Type:
GIA Ourstar – The first ‘Dun’ pea offering improved tolerance to common in-crop and residual Group B herbicides for robust farming systems.
PBA PERCY – A very early flowering and maturing conventional pea (similar to Parafield) which produces dun-type grain. PBA Percy has high yield potential and is broadly adapted.
Parabinga – Its main attributes are increased pod size, better persistence in drier more marginal rainfall zones and improved resistance to aphids, compared to Cyprus and Harbinger
Paraggio – larger seed, compared to Jemalong, which helps provide good early seedling vigour. It demonstrates a semi-erect growth habit. It has a slightly lower, hard seed levels in comparison to most other barrel medics. This trait will allow for a stronger regeneration from seed in year two of the pasture phase. This lower hard seed level makes Parragio better suited to shorter term, pasture phase paddocks.
For more information on seed varieties for the coming season, please get in touch with your local Crop Smart Rep.
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