Key Take-Outs from the GRDC Update
14th February 2020 | General
Recently the Crop Smart team attended the GRDC update in Adelaide, SA. Below are some key take-outs from the event;
- There are some great trial results on Trifluralin and Prosulfocarb as a mixture on Ryegrass pre-emergent.
- Glyphosate is in danger of being banned not because of science, but because of social demand – if we want to save Glyphosate, farmer organisations are going to need to step up the PR game. Science isn’t going to be enough on its own!
- In the international grain market Australia is edging more and more towards the premium end vs the feed quality end. The premium quality is going to be a good place to be, as other countries around the world flood the feed quality grain markets. There’s likely to be more margin here.
- MRL’s are getting complex as countries are changing the rules all the time. It’s important agronomists and advisors are up to date with any changes.
- Deep ripping is getting some great results in the right soil types. Going below the compacted layer (often more than 60cm) is getting the best results.
- Annual Medics are the best option for pasture in the Mallee regions.
- Snail Bait is still one of the most effective forms of control.
- Wheat crops will provide higher yields when Potassium is banded at or prior to sowing as opposed to broadcast.
- There is a increasing requirement for growers to understand intended markets & the MRL’s on grain they produce.
- Barley is proving to be the ‘safest’ crop to produce and those in marginal rainfalls can benefit from strategic crop rotations with pulses.
To read more of the items discussed at the GRDC update head to this link on the GRDC website.