Key Learnings from the GRDC Update 2021
19th February 2021 | General
It was great to be able to attend the recent GRDC Update in Adelaide last week, well done to the GRDC for putting on another fantastic event with industry experts and informative presenters! We have some key take outs below from the 2021 conference.
- Sam Trengove’s lentils trial showed a 0.31t/Ha (85%) yield response production on sandy soils on the YP post deep-ripping.
- Sam Trengove’s lentils trial showed a 200kg/Ha yield improvement on a $1/Ha investment on 25g/Ha Molybdenum on acidic YP sands. At $250T = $50/Ha. Any rates above 25g/Ha showed no further yield increase.
- Australia’s biggest customers of grains are countries that are closer to Australia than all of our other competitors eg. Indonesia, Malaysia. This gives us a freight advantage.
- These same countries all have growing populations so the challenge is to maintain our market share and grow with them.
- The Eastern States projected population growth and therefore grain demand means farmers in those states are unlikely to be able to supply that demand by 2030. That means other states in Australia will be looked at to fill that gap.
- AMS improves water quality and glyphosate activity, and should be put in with all glyphosate brews – Peter Boutsalis.
- There are variable surfactants in glyphosate products, only use a product that you trust and the supplier can talk about the surfactant quality – Peter Boutsalis.
- To improve efficacy with glyphosate aim to spray in cooler temperatures. This isn’t new but the latest trial work is showing big differences of results on the same weeds sprayed at different times of the same day – Peter Boutsalis.
- One leaf ryegrass is often resistant to Glyphosate as it is not yet translocating to the root system.
If you have any questions about the points above, please give your local Crop Smart rep a call.