July Market Update
After a promising start in most areas of SA & VIC, we have some good crops out there thirsty for a drink. Meanwhile, the Upper EP & Upper Mid North of SA are well behind rain-wise and are well and truly looking for some rain. Let’s hope the rain falls soon, and everyone can achieve the potential that lies out there in the paddock!
Chemical wise not a lot has changed since our last update. Fungicides are still in good supply and will continue to be if it is a dry finish. If you’re looking for Chlorothalonil on legumes this year and worried about storing any carryover, purchase our granule Smart Chlorothalonil 900 WDG. Supplies of Smart Pro Grow (same chemical as Prosaro™) are stable and ideal for control of black leg in canola and general fungicide control in cereal crops.
Russian Wheat Aphids are presenting more and more but still haven’t done too much in crop damage just yet as the beneficials seem to have them under control. If they take off, Chlorpyrifos and Pirimicarb (this will only work when temperatures increase) will be the two products in highest demand because the market won’t have enough.
Urea bottomed out a bit over a month ago and is still readily available, and at reasonable prices historically, so please get in touch with one of our team for your fertiliser needs.
In China many of the Glyphosate and Paraquat factories have taken large orders from Brazil and Argentina, so prices have increased from what appears to now be ‘the bottom’. The EOFY deals that we put out ended up falling around a great time to buy so well done if you took advantage of those deals. If you haven’t ordered any Glyphosate and Paraquat for your stocks then be aware these prices are very attractive at current levels and are slowly lifting overseas.
In other worldwide news, the US has banned Dicamba, where they have dicamba-resistant soybeans, similar to the Roundup Ready and Clearfield technology crops. Unlike the debate around glyphosate being harmful to humans, the issue with Dicamba has been its impact on other crops. Dicamba has been susceptible to spray drift, as well as damage to non-Dicamba soybean varieties. So just as the Chinese have expanded their production, the US market volume will drop. Expect there to be a price drop on this product next year here unless Bayer overrule this decision in the US.