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Welcome Grant Gibbins

Welcome Grant Gibbins We are very excited to welcome Grant Gibbins to the Crop Smart team!  Grant has over
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Changes to Crop Smart Delivery & Pick-up Protocol

Crop Smart Safe Pick-up & Delivery protocol Our priority is keeping our employees, clients and those in the communities
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Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS Victoria Tuesday 9th March 5:30pm Sea Lake Community Complex Dr John Broster will be answering all your
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February Mice Update 2021

February Mice Update 2021 GRDC recently conducted a mouse update webinar with Steve Henry from CSIRO – summarised info
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Key Learnings from the GRDC Update 2021

It was great to be able to attend the recent GRDC Update in Adelaide last week, well done to
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Crop Smart welcomes Scott Taylor

Crop Smart welcomes sales rep, Scott Taylor We are excited to welcome Scott Taylor to the South Australian Crop
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Urea, Fungicide, LVE & Glyphosate Stock Update

It’s great to see some good rains going through Victoria, NSW, and South Australia.  The only drier areas are
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A Guide to Summer Spraying

Early summer spraying will achieve best results for weed control and optimise crop potential for the upcoming season. Early
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Key Take-Outs from the GRDC Update

Recently the Crop Smart team attended the GRDC update in Adelaide, SA.  Below are some key take-outs from the
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It is approaching that time of year again When many farm businesses start working out their pre-emergent herbicide strategies
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2409/4 Daydream Street
Warriewood NSW 2102
ph: 1300 783 481