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Boosting Canola Yields with Seed Treatment

In this month’s agronomy article, we look at the early establishment phase of canola can make or break the crop. CSIRO research indicates that only 50% of germinated canola seeds will successfully establish (Porker et al.).

Canola production faces numerous challenges early on, including soil moisture stress, heat stress, fungal diseases, insect pests, and weeds. These threats can significantly impact establishment, yield, and quality. To combat these issues, seed treatments have become an essential tool for Australian growers.

Benefits of Seed Treatments:

  • Disease Control: Seed treatments protect young seedlings from soilborne diseases like Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium. These diseases can cause damping-off, root rot, and seedling blight, leading to poor emergence and stunted growth.
  • Insect Control: Seed treatments effectively target key insect pests like lucerne flea, slugs, and wireworms. These pests can cause significant damage to emerging seedlings, impacting plant establishment and overall yield.
  • Improved Stand Establishment: By protecting seedlings from disease and insect pressure, seed treatments contribute to more uniform and vigorous stand establishment. This translates to better plant health and ultimately higher yields. Better establishment can also help provide improved weed control by allowing the crop to compete more vigorously with weeds.
  • Reduced Reliance on In-Crop Applications: Effective seed treatments can minimize the need for in-crop fungicide and insecticide sprays, reducing input costs and protecting beneficial insects.

One of the newer products on the market is Equento Extreme from Syngenta, which offers broad-spectrum insect control.

Equento Extreme: A Powerful Solution

Equento Extreme Mixture:

Applied in a mixture of the registered products, EQUENTO® and CRUISER® 600 FS, this new seed treatment package delivers fast-acting, long-lasting protection with proven crop safety.

EQUENTO® Extreme is a seed treatment for the early-season control of:

  • Redlegged earth mite
  • Blue oat mite
  • Green peach and grey cabbage aphids


Protection from:

  • Wireworm
  • Bronze field beetle
  • Vegetable weevil
  • Spotted vegetable weevil
  • Portuguese millipede
  • Slaters
  • Suppression of lucerne flea


A very powerful mix to achieve both insect and disease control can be achieved by mixing Saltro® Duo and Equento® Extreme together as a seed treatment.

  • Saltro® Duo provides protection against seedling blackleg and damping-off diseases (Rhizoctonia and Pythium).
  • Equento Extreme provides protection against insect pests.
  • These products are very safe for the seed and do not negatively impact germination, emergence, or vigor.



Seed treatments, such as Equento Extreme and Saltro Duo, play a crucial role in optimizing canola production. By protecting seedlings from disease and insect pressure, these treatments contribute to improved plant establishment, a more competitive crop, increased yields, and enhanced profitability for canola growers.

Call to Action:

  1. Talk to your agronomist about the most suitable seed treatment for your canola.
  2. Contact Crop Smart to order your canola seed today and request the recommended seed treatment.


For Further Reading 

Porker, K, et al. (2024) Reducing risks to canola establishment under marginal conditions – defining the fundamentals, Grains Research and Development Corporation. Available at: Reducing risks to canola establishment under marginal conditions – defining the fundamentals – GRDC

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional agricultural advice. Always consult with a local qualified agronomist or seed specialist for specific recommendations tailored to your individual farming practices and local conditions.

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