Agronomy Update October 2024
17th October 2024 | General
Spring Review Check List
Spring reviews on farm are one of the most important farm visits for the season. Many Senior Agronomists say that it is the most important visit of the year to set the farm up for the following year by reviewing the current season and planning for the next season:
- Identify what worked well
- What did not go so well
- What we are going to do about it
Our resident Smart Agronomist recommends ensuring these topics are covered in your Spring review with your agronomist:
- Weed control
- Pre sowing knockdown
- Pre Emergent
- Post emergent
- Weed escapes
- What weeds made it through the control program and why
- Weed resistance
- What paddocks will need to be tested for resistance
- Weed management plan for next season
- What program will we implement for next season based on our learning from this and previous seasons
- Pre emergent herbicide strategies
- Slug and pest control review and a plan for next season
- Disease control review and a plan for next season
- Cereal fungicides – seed treatment, Fertilizer treatment, post emergent
- Variety performance and plans for next season
- Nutrition management review and plan for next season
- Soil sampling plan
- Mapping plans
- Crop rotation for the next three years
- Schedule of sowing operations based on review
- Ensure we have all paddocks mapped correctly
Based on next season’s plan:
- What fertiliser needs to be locked away and when
- What new seed varieties need to be ordered
- What Ag Chem products need to be ordered or purchased
We hope you find this checklist useful for reviewing 2024 and looking ahead to 2025. Please reach out to the Crop Smart team if we can assist you in any way.