Florasulam Herbicide
One of the very effective broadleaf herbicides used in cereal crops is now off-patent and available in various products. Saracen from Nufarm is available in a 50g/L SC formulation. This product is available now and in a limited quantity.
The most recognised herbicide containing florasulam is Paradigm. Paradigm is a very efficacious herbicide and is a great tool used by agronomists and farmers around Australia.
Paradigm contains Florasulam and Halauxifen and is manufactured by Corteva.
The first products released containing Florasulam were Torpedo and Conclude back in 2007/8. Conclude contained Florasulam and LVE MCPA. Torpedo contained Florasulam and Clopyralid. They were great products at the time, but you were locked into using a set rate of LVE MCPA with Conclude and Torpedo contained the highly soil/stubble residual product, Clopyralid.
Now Saracen offers agronomists and farmers the flexibility to use the Florasulam active with the ability to mix and match tank mix partner herbicides and to vary the rates. Experienced agronomists will be able to tailor rates and tank-mix combinations to ensure effective control on target weeds at a value-for-money price point.
Saracen is widely compatible but will mainly be mixed with LVE MCPA or Bromoxynil or a combination of both.
Saracen is very effective on mustard, turnip, wild radish, sow thistle, capeweed, bifora, volunteer canola and volunteer legumes (subject to tank-mix partners). Saracen may provide a safer option than Dicamba for volunteer legume control and have a more attractive re cropping interval than Clopyralid.
- Registered in Wheat and barley
- Excellent crop safety
- Compatible with a wide range of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides
- Recommended to use 1% Banjo adjuvant (725g/L methyl esters of canola oil)
- Short grazing withholding period of 7 days
- Flexible re cropping interval
Saracen is significantly lower in price per hectare than other premium broadleaf herbicides providing excellent value to farmers and is worth discussing with your agronomist this season.